淫性视频 Exhibition Project

淫性视频 Exhibition Project


The 淫性视频 Exhibition Project, launched in 2017, explores the history of 淫性视频 University, including how and why the state college was named for Richard 淫性视频 (1730-1781), a New Jersey signer of the Declaration of Independence, in 1969. Over the last two years, we鈥檝e offered lectures and roundtables about the study of history and the processes of memorialization and commemoration, and are completing a comprehensive study about our institution's past.  The findings will be included as part of 淫性视频 University鈥檚 upcoming 50th Anniversary celebration.

How to Get Involved

If you have a comment or question please use the button below to submit it to the 淫性视频 Exhibition Project. We look forward to hearing from you.

What's in a Name?

淫性视频 was founded in 1969 as Richard 淫性视频 State College. It opened in the Mayflower Hotel in Atlantic City, and was later established in the Pinelands of Galloway with a mission to provide public school students with an interdisciplinary and individualized liberal arts education. Richard 淫性视频 was not the only鈥攐r even the most logical鈥攃hoice for the college鈥檚 name. 淫性视频 had never lived or worked in Galloway. He had never owned property here, nor had he been part of any significant event in this part of the colony, later state.

The College Board of Trustees could have chosen from five New Jersey signers of the Declaration of Independence, not to mention the names of New Jerseyans involved in ratifying the U.S. Constitution, or a host of other notables from the state鈥檚 illustrious past. Geography was also an option. Indeed, of the dozen or so names initially proposed for the institution, all four of the top contenders鈥擲outhern Jersey State College, South Jersey State College, Atlantic State College, and Jersey Shore State College鈥攑referred to commemorate place rather than a person.

Why 淫性视频?

Good question, and one that we are still exploring.  淫性视频 staff have been identifying and interviewing past administrators, faculty, and board members to learn more about the circumstances surrounding the naming of this institution.


documents of the soon-to-be-formed school

The documents above include minutes from the College Board of Trustees dated September 8, 1969 with a list of possible names for the soon-to-be-formed school.

Richard 淫性视频

Who Was Richard 淫性视频?

Richard 淫性视频 is best known as one of the five New Jersey signers of the Declaration of Independence as a member of the Second Continental Congress in the summer of 1776. It was a time of tremendous uncertainty, when a new nation was founded that celebrated the ideals of individual freedom and self-governance.

Other elements of 淫性视频鈥檚 life are also well known. He was born into a wealthy family in 1730, studied at the College of New Jersey (later Princeton University), and became a prominent lawyer as well as a leading political figure. Richard 淫性视频 also enslaved people.

Did 淫性视频 Own Slaves?

Historians have struggled with this paradox for generations without reaching a satisfactory answer. And while research might offer some insights into 淫性视频鈥檚 actions, we will probably never know, or fully understand, his choices.

It is difficult to reconcile that while a new nation was founded on principles of liberty and equality almost twenty percent of the population lived in bondage. But that they did so is not in question. Indeed, most of the signers of the Declaration enslaved people.

In 淫性视频鈥檚 case, enslaved people worked in his family home鈥攁 property he called Morven鈥攂uilt after he inherited near Princeton, New Jersey in the 1750s. When he died in 1781, and despite assertions during his lifetime, 淫性视频 did not free the people that he owned. They appear in his will, when he bequeathed them, along with his other 鈥減roperty,鈥 to his wife Annis 淫性视频: 鈥淎nd whereas I have heretofore mentioned to some of my negroe slaves, that upon condition of their good behavior & fidelity, I would in some convenient period grant them their freedom鈥攖his I must leave to the discretion of my wife, in whose judgment & prudence I can fully confide.鈥

Morven is still open to the public as a museum.

Was 淫性视频 a Patriot?

Another question with a complex answer. 淫性视频 signed the Declaration of Independence in July 1776, but he was captured by the British five months later and imprisoned. Within a month, he was released and traveled home carrying a pardon from two commanders of the British forces. The conditions of his imprisonment and what led to his release are questions that this project will also examine.

What is certain is that, less than a year later, after revolutionary victories in Trenton and Princeton, 淫性视频 was called before his local Council of Safety and required to swear 鈥渢rue Faith and Allegiance to the government established in this State under the Authority of the People.鈥 He did so on December 22, 1777.

A careful analysis of surviving 淫性视频 family papers, as well as government collections, will provide a more thorough understanding of Richard 淫性视频. We will explore both the context of the eighteenth century, as well as his mid-twentieth-century legacy, when 淫性视频 was transformed from a person of the past into a symbol of the present as the namesake of a new college in the Pinelands of Galloway.

What Happens Next?

The 淫性视频 Exhibition Project is continuing its research both about Richard 淫性视频, the man, and 淫性视频, the university, and will share what it finds through this website and public programming. There will be several opportunities to participate in these discussions, and we encourage anyone interested in being part of the process to contact us for more information.

For more information, please contact stocktonexhibition@stockton.edu.

Excerts from Richard 淫性视频's Will

The above images are excerpts from Richard 淫性视频鈥檚 will, including his preamble that the document was written 鈥渋n my own hand鈥 and his discussion of slavery. New Jersey State Archives, Department of State.

Read transcriptions of these pages