Writing Boot Camps

Boot camps allow participants to write in a distraction-free, structured environment. You should bring your writing project and writing supplies (laptop, paper, notes, etc.). We do not provide food, so bring drinks, snacks and lunch. You can join us virtually using Zoom. We will email the Zoom link to all registered participants. The FAWN Blackboard course page also has the Zoom link. 

Registration is not necessary, though it does help us plan.
Please show up and join us for any and all days, for all of the time or part of the time.

Fall 2024 Writing Boot Camps

  • Dates and times coming soon!

Boot Camp Daily Schedule

9:00 - 9:15 - Settle in and share your goals for the day
9:15 - 10:45 - Write
10:45 - 11:00 - Break
11:00 - 12:30 - Write
12:30 - 1:00 - Lunch
1:00 - 2:30 - Write
2:30 - 3:00 - Share progress on your goals

Share Your Boot Camp Accomplishments!

Please share your writing accomplishments for each writing boot camp you attend by filling out the survey below. Thank you! 

Writing Bootcamp Event