MARS Facilities and Equipment

Marine Field Station

The Marine Field Station is used as a teaching and research destination for numerous NAMS' academic programs, including foremost the Marine Science program, as well as Biology, Environmental Studies, Geology, and the Professional Science Masters Program.

  • Facility provides easy access to the pristine estuary
  • Aquaria housing local fauna
  • Multiple buildings with GIS-equipped teaching and research spaces
  • A fleet of five research vessels: U.S.C.G. Safety Compliant; Estuarine and ocean capabilities; Davit/winch systems and scientific diving support
  • State-of-the-art sampling and research equipment: Multibeam Sonar; Side-scan Sonar; Remotely Operated Vehicle; Magnetometer; Mobile LiDAR; Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers; Advanced water monitoring instruments; All basic oceanographic/estuarine sampling needs
  • Student employment and research opportunities
  • Site of the Coastal Research Center which assists local municipalities with coastal environmental issues related to recurring storm damage and shoreline retreat