The Office of General Counsel reviews and approves all University contracts. Additionally, contracts are vetted through the Office of Procurement & Contracting for compliance with State College Contracts Law, and all other applicable State of New Jersey, and Federal laws.
- Contracting Procedures can be found on the Office of General Counsel website.
University Contracts Overview
A University contract is any written agreement that creates an obligation to the University, whether or not it is specifically entitled as a "contract." Types of contracts may include, but are not limited to service agreements, affiliation agreements, agreements for the use of the University's facilities, articulation agreements, speaker agreements, internship agreements, photographer/videographer agreements, construction contracts, consulting agreements, licensing agreement, real property license, lease or purchase agreements, and memoranda of understanding. Contracts may be for any dollar value, or at no cost. Therefore, the University may have an obligation or interest under a contract that has no specific financial obligations.
Written agreements are the most effective way to prevent misunderstandings and disputes when contracting with a vendor. Written agreements should contain basic information, such as, but not limited to, scope of services, materials, deliverables, deadlines, duration, and all other terms and conditions as applicable.
Agreements should comply with University contracting standards in order to protect the University’s interests and ensure that the University does not assume inappropriate or unacceptable risks. To help mitigate risk and protect the interests of the University, whenever possible, end-users should utilize pre-approved Contract Forms provided by the Office of General Counsel.
It is the responsibility of all University departments to negotiate and understand the business terms and conditions within their contracts before submitting for review and approval.
Authority to Bind the University: All contracts to which ÒùÐÔÊÓƵ is party may only be executed by the President, or a duly authorized University official with delegated signing authority by the Board of Trustees, or the President. For details regarding which individuals have proper signatory authority, please refer to the Policies and Procedures website.
Contracting: General Information & Requirements
- The Office of General Counsel requires the use of a contract for the purchase of any service in excess of the public works bidding threshold (currently, $39,400). Generally, contracts are not required for the purchase of only goods, regardless of value. However, the Office of General Counsel may, in its sole discretion, require a contract if deemed advantageous to the University, for any purchase and for any amount.
- A vendor may request that the University execute its own contract. In these instances, the University will review and look to approve the contract, regardless of value. In rare circumstances, the Office of General Counsel may require the joint use of a University agreement to supplement any vendor provider contract. This is typically done to protect the University from any risks or potential harm not covered in the vendor contract.
- In every instance, the University requires that a vendor signs a contract prior to the University. Note: In very rare and compelling situations, the Office of General Counsel may approve University signature prior to the vendor.
- Upon review, if the Office of General Counsel makes any modifications to a contract, the changes must be approved by the vendor (usually by initializing and dating each item) prior to submitting the contract to the Office of Procurement & Contracting.
- If a vendor makes any modification to a contract after being reviewed by the Office of General Counsel, then the proposed changes must be sent back to the Office of General Counsel for approval.
List of Open Contracts & Contact Information
Description: Marketplace Items
Contact: Laura Vogel
Phone: 314.971.3240
For assistance or issues with this contract, please contact Beth Brook at Beth.Brook@ÒùÐÔÊÓƵ.edu
Description: Transportation services for students, faculty, and staff (includes motorcoaches, school buses, and shuttles)
Contact: Andrea Jannetti
Phone: 609.883.8891 (x127)
For assistance or issues with this contract, please contact Shelly Mastrangelo at Michelle.Mastrangelo@ÒùÐÔÊÓƵ.edu
Description: Office Supplies
Contact #1: Stephanie Kelly (Oversees the University's account, and can be helpful with issues regarding pricing, contract information, sourcing new products, and account maintenance)
Phone: 856.281.8697
Contact #2: Kayla Feriozzi (Oversees WB Mason on a regional level and should be contacted in emergency situations regarding urgent issues.)
Phone: 609.335.7013
For assistance or issues with this contract, please contact Shelly Mastrangelo at Michelle.Mastrangelo@ÒùÐÔÊÓƵ.edu
Description: Sign language interpretation services
Contact: Jean Evans
Phone: 856.939.2216
For assistance or issues with this contract, please contact Shelly Mastrangelo at Michelle.Mastrangelo@ÒùÐÔÊÓƵ.edu
Underrepresented Businesses
Underrepresented Businesses
ÒùÐÔÊÓƵ encourages the use and development of Underrepresented Businesses. In order to help accomplish this goal, underrepresented businesses with an official designation (e.g. woman, minority, veteran owned) have been included on the ‘Underrepresented Businesses’ listing, available below. For ease of use, vendors are sorted by commodity categories (as applicable), and contact information is provided. The intent is to assist faculty and staff in identifying underrepresented vendors that may meet their needs, and increase their use throughout campus.
Contracting: Frequently Asked Questions
A speaker agreement is required whenever a speaker addresses a topic for the University, regardless of value (even at no cost).
A Photographer or Videographer Agreement is required whenever those services are rendered to the University. The Agreement provides intellectual property rights to reproduce any work and transfer’s the ownership from the photographer and/or videographer to the University.
A Service Agreement is required when the University is purchasing services are equal to, or greater than the public works bid threshold value. Note: This applies to all software, software licensing, and software maintenance renewals.
If only goods are being purchased (no services included) equal to, or greater than the public works bid threshold, then a contract is not mandated by the Office of General Counsel. However, if deemed in the best interest of the University, the Office of General Counsel may require a contract in its discretion.
If the value of a grant purchase is equal to or greater than the quote threshold (equivalent to 20% of the current bid threshold), then competitive quotes are required.
Subject to the terms and requirements of the State College Contracts Law, the contract may be amended. This can be completed using the 'Amendment to Service Agreement' form available on the Office of General Counsel website.
Yes. This requires the use of the 'Agreement for Organization's Use of College's Facilities' form, available on the Office of General Counsel website.
All agreements above the bid threshold must be reviewed by General Counsel. If the vendor is requiring signature on an agreement, and the total value is less than the prevailing wage bid threshold, please send to ÒùÐÔÊÓƵ for review. The agreement will be routed through General Counsel on a case-by-case basis, as required.
Yes, software agreements must be reviewed by Information Technology Services (ITS).
Yes, a vendor may provide their own contract for review and approval by the University.
The Public Works Contractor Registration Act requires the payment of minimum rates of pay to laborers, craftsmen, and apprentices employed on public works projects over $2,000. The New Jersey Department of Labor maintains a list of Public Works Registered vendors. Vendors engaged in public works projects must be registered prior to work being performed.
Vendors performing work or providing services on ÒùÐÔÊÓƵ premises must secure and maintain in force, for the term of the contract, liability insurance. In certain circumstances, liability insurance may also be required for work or services performed off premises, which will be evaluated on a per project basis prior to the commencement of work or service on ÒùÐÔÊÓƵ premises, the vendor must provide a current Certificate of Insurance meeting the Standard Insurance Requirements. Work or service may not commence until a valid Certificate of Insurance meeting these requirements has been provided. The vendor is not authorized to begin work until the University is in receipt of said Certificate.
Prior to executing a contract, or performing work on campus, an Individual or Sole Proprietor (or single member LLC) must complete the Independent Contract Determination Checklist (ICDC). The ICDC may be found on the Fiscal Affairs website.
Whenever a single purchase, or contract value exceeds 20% of the applicable public bidding threshold, a total of three (3) competitive quotes are required. However, if the using department deems it is impractical to solicit competitive quotations, or having received quotations determines that the award should not be made on that basis, the end-user shall complete a Statement of Explanation (Sole Source), describing the rationale and reasons why competition is not feasible.
Once a contract is reviewed and approved by the Office of General Counsel, and signed by the vendor, it shall be emailed to ÒùÐÔÊÓƵContracts@ÒùÐÔÊÓƵ.edu.
Some contracts allow for reimbursables to be paid in addition to the service fee to the vendor. It should be noted that the most economic travel option must be utilized at all times. The use of valet parking, preferred seating, and car service is prohibited unless no other option is available. All airline tickets must be economy class unless no other option is available. The University will not reimburse the purchase of alcoholic beverages.
Yes. State College Contracts Law limits most contracts to a maximum term of three years (including amendments and option years). As such, agreements and/or amendments must terminate or expire within three years of the effective date of the contract. Please note there are limited exceptions to this three-year maximum, most notably information technology