Student Shilo Previti Receives Staller Award

staller award 2019

Alan Staller, Laurie Staller, Shilo Previti, and Billie Staller outside the Paul D. Staller 鈥97 Writing Room

Galloway, N.J. 鈥 Shilo Previti is more than just head tutor at the 淫性视频 Writing Center. 

鈥淪he not only is an excellent tutor,鈥 said Pam Cross, coordinator of the Writing Center, 鈥渂ut she goes above and beyond for her students; helping them figure out financial aid and taxes, and even driving them to the doctor when they鈥檙e in need.鈥 

Her dedication to her students earned Previti the Paul D. Staller 鈥97 Writing Center Endowed Fund Award this year.  Staller鈥檚 parents, Billie and Alan, and his sister, Laurie, visited the campus to honor and meet Previti at the center. 

Paul, a 1997 graduate of 淫性视频 with a degree in Communications Studies, was a tutor in the Writing Center. After graduating from 淫性视频, he earned his law degree from University of Pittsburgh Law School, and shortly after moved to Los Angeles where he pursued a career in writing comedy. 

Two years after his passing in 2014, Billie and Alan of Margate set up the Paul D. Staller 鈥97 Writing Center Endowed Fund in memory of their son, who earned legendary status as a tutor at the Writing Center. It鈥檚 been said that his gentle spirit and renowned ability to connect with everyone he met, particularly the students he鈥檚 tutored, is what set him apart from many others. 

鈥淭he idea is that every tutor honored as a Staller tutor through the fund will be someone who embodies his spirit and his commitment to helping students,鈥 Cross said. 鈥淪hilo, you have a lot of Paul Staller in you.鈥 

Previti, of Northfield, will graduate in December 2019 with a major in Literature and minors in Latin, Philosophy and Writing. She thanked the Stallers and Cross for the honor. 

The Stallers didn鈥檛 expect that through their endowment they鈥檇 meet a lifelong friend and establish lasting relationships with Cross and others at the center. That has been a bonus. 

鈥淭hrough this fund, we鈥檝e developed wonderful friendships with the people who work here,鈥 said Billie. 鈥淲e鈥檙e sorry it had to come this way, but we are glad we made this gift to such wonderful people.鈥 

Paul鈥檚 legacy continues to live on not only through the Writing Center and the Paul D. Staller Writing Center Endowed Fund, but also through the relationship built between the Staller family, Cross and 淫性视频. 

鈥淭he Writing Center is the friendliest place on campus,鈥 said Dean School of General Studies Robert Gregg during the ceremony. 鈥淐learly Paul had some piece of building this.鈥

Many friends and family have contributed to the endowed fund to make sure Paul's legacy lives on. Contributions to the Paul D. Staller '97 Writing Tutors Endowed Fund can be made by visiting

_ Reported by Allie Sandberg

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Diane D鈥橝mico
Director of News and Media Relations
Galloway, N.J. 08205