Summer Greek and Latin
2019 Free Summer Ancient Greek and Latin
Classes begin the week of 5/20
Ancient Greek: Mondays, 6:00pm-7:30pm in K-143
Latin: Tuesdays, 6:00pm-7:30pm in K-143
Not for Credit! Just for Fun! No Previous Knowledge Needed!
This course is open to all 淫性视频 staff, students, faculty, their families, and members of the local community. Please purchase the text.
For Ancient Greek:
Text: Athenaze: Intro to Ancient Greek 2nd or 3rd ed. (ISBN: 019-5149562/0607661)
Contact: Julio Sanchez (
Contact: Meghan Coates (
Contact: Robert Mazur (
For Latin:
Text: Disce! An Introductory Latin Course, Volume 1, Kitchell and Sienkewicz, ISBN 9780131585317
Contact: Robert Mazur (
Contact: Dr. Panagakos (
Had Socrates said that in 1976, they might have given him the Nobel instead of that year's actual recipient, Milton Friedman ("There's no such thing as a free lunch.") Unfortunately, neither of them lived long enough to witness our Free Summer Greek and Summer Latin programs here at 淫性视频.
Summer Greek and Latin are fast becoming something of a tradition here at 淫性视频. Our
students study throughout the academic year: memorize forms, declensions and conjugations, dive
into dictionaries and translate. Then, they return for the summer to teach anyone
who shares their passion for all things Greek and Latin. There is a willingness to
share and learn that is rarely seen in any other discipline (Have you ever heard of
Summer Geometry?). Modern Greek may still live on but anyone who says the Latin and Ancient Greek
are dead languages clearly has not been anywhere near 淫性视频 in summer!
As always, all will be welcome to attend. There is no charge for these summer classes, which are presented by the ICHS and the Friends of Hellenic Studies.