Masters Child Welfare Education Program

MCWEPThe Masters Child Welfare Education Program (MCWEP) is a partnership among the New Jersey Department of Children and Families and a consortium of four New Jersey MSW programs— Monmouth University, Ramapo College, Rutgers University, and ÒùÐÔÊÓƵ.  Expanding on the Baccalaureate Child Welfare Education Program with ÒùÐÔÊÓƵ as the consortium’s Lead Institution, its purpose is to offer current Department of Children and Families supervisors the opportunity to strengthen their skills in clinical social work practice and supervision, obtain an advanced credential in social work (MSW), and ultimately to enhance the capacity of the Department to deliver the highest quality services to the vulnerable children and families that it serves.

Lead Institution: ÒùÐÔÊÓƵ Social Work Program

Participating Institutions: Monmouth University School of Social Work, Ramapo College Social Work Program, Rutgers University School of Social Work

Partnering Organizations: State of New Jersey Department of Children and Families, New Jersey Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers

MCWEP Program Structure:
The program consists of three components:

  • Enrollment in one of four New Jersey part-time MSW programs
    • Traditional MSW Program, for individuals with a bachelor’s degree with a major other than social work
      • Requires 60 credits of coursework, including 900-1125 hours of supervised field experience in an approved agency or institution
    • Advanced Standing MSW Program, for selected individuals who have completed a degree with a major in social work
      • Requires 30-39 credits of coursework, including 500-885 hours of supervised field experience in an approved agency or institution
  • Participation in the MCWEP Learning Community
    • Consisting of quarterly face-to-face seminars involving all enrolled MCWEP students
  • Enrollment in MCWEP Electives
    • Leadership and Supervision in Child Welfare (to develop leadership skills and skills in providing clinical supervision to child welfare workers, including helping workers to develop the skills essential to planning and running successful family team meetings and working effectively with community resources)
    • Trauma-Informed Child Welfare Practice (to develop knowledge and skills needed for working effectively with children and families that have experienced trauma as well as with child welfare workers exposed to secondary trauma)

Eligibility for the Program:

  • DCPP/Adoption Operations Casework Supervisors and Supervisors are eligible to apply for the program.
  • Non-CPP Staff that are currently supervising.
  • Non-CPP Supervisors with 3+ years of supervisory experience at DCF.
  • Non-CPP Supervisors in a civil service title range 26 or higher.
  • In general, 20 candidates will be accepted each year.
  • Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.
  • Applicants must agree to sign a legally binding agreement to continue their employment at DCF for one year for each year of support received.
  • Applicants must meet admission requirements of the MSW program they choose to attend.


  • Applicants must first apply through the Department of Children and Families by completing the internal application.
  • If selected by DCF, applicants then apply to the MSW program(s) of their choice.

For further information about MCWEP, please contact: Director - Dawn Konrady Fanslau (,  Program Coordinator  - Luz Pestritto (, Learning Community Coordinators - Maya Lewis (Maya.Lewis@ÒùÐÔÊÓƵ.edu) or Robin Hernandez-Mekonnen (