Self Assessment Tools

Self assessment is about doing a realistic appraisal of yourself and is the starting point for career planning.  While there is no "test" that can determine what you should "be," there are tools that can help you evaluate yourself and find occupations and careers that fit with you.  Self assessments can be helpful in your career decision-making process, however we recommend meeting with a career counselor to determine which assessment is most appropriate for your specific needs.  Visit our to set up an appointment with a career advisor today.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is the most widely used personality inventory in the world.  The preferences suggested by the MBTI can help you make career and personal decisions, with scores highlighting preferences on four dimensions.  The various combinations of these preferences result in 16 personality types, which relate to career choices, communication modes and learning styles.  Call and make an appointment with a career advisor in Career Education & Development if you'd like to discuss whether the MBTI might be a useful tool for you.

The is a quick and easy process to help you evaluate your personal preferences and show how they can help you pursue the right academic major, internship and career for you.  Results include your career interests, profiles of careers that match your interests, your strengths and the best work environment for you.