Archive Course

To archive a course in blackboard start by entering your course, select the 鈥淧ackages and Utilities鈥 drop down menu on the left hand side of the page, and select the 鈥淓xport/Archive Course鈥 option from the menu list鈥

A screenshot of a Blackboard course, with the "export/archive course" link highlighted within the "Packages and Utilities" menu.


That will open a new page, at the top of the new page, select the option to 鈥淎rchive Course鈥濃 

A screenshot of Blackboard's Export/Archive Course page, with the Archive Course button highlighted.


On the archive course page, if you wish to also keep a copy of your students submissions and grades that are associated with the course, check the box at the top of the page.  Otherwise, leave the existing default options and click submit in the lower right side of the page to continue鈥 

A screenshot of the Archive Course dialog page, with the "include grade center history" checkbox and the submit button highlighted.


Blackboard will begin archiving your course data and send you an email when the archive process has been completed.  The amount of time required to process a course archive request varies depending on the amount of data stored in the course.  Once the archive is ready for download return to the 鈥淓xport/Archive Course鈥 menu and click on the file name to download a copy to your computer鈥

A screenshot of the Export/Archive course page in Blackboard, highlighting the link to a recently created course archive package. 


If you have any questions about the course archival process please give the ITS Help Desk a call at 609-652-4309.